Mrs moon

Mountains I conjure,
streams I concoct,
fresh air I breathe.

I am the blue sky,
Clouds dance in my shadows,
rainbows play hide and seek,
winter I smell,
smell of winter,
wintery winter.

Snow says it is on the way,
but it's flight is delayed due to climate change,
sun says I have extra work,
global warming makes me shine longer,
Do I not need rest?
Do I?
I am just plasma.

Glaciers are irritated,
"I am no longer solid," it proclaims,
is it just the age?
Sigh! old age! Human induced old age!

Moon looks like the sun,
bright glowing dark sun,
it is just the pollution,
Oh Mr Moon,
you now glow like a Mrs.

I lament my earth,
I foresee disaster,
is extinction just the beginning of regeneration?



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