I want to Run or just melt away

I want to run or just melt away,
I try,
I ain't growing shorter by the day.
I want to disappear,
but I keep on re-appearing.
I want to float with the clouds,
kiss the skies,
but I can't fly.
I want to understand the whys and the hows and the whos,
and all I hear is a silent SOOOshhhhhh.
Eyes are open and yet closed,
Ears listen and don't hear,
I breath but with no air,
I freeze and cold I have not become,
I can't comprehend the cosmic happenings,
so I will try vanishing like a ring of smoke among low hanging clouds,
fast and quick.

To the Rain

You poured today,
and in so long I haven't seen Thimphu so drenched.
The smell of summer pervading in the sky,
seeping through the rocks,
billowing from the clouds,
ah! the fresh smell of summer,
or is it giving way to autumn?
Mornings are colder,
sleep you get is longer,
slumber and slumber.
I watched the sky,
to figure out how you fall and from where,
clouds of shades I could find,
out of blue skies you were pouring at places,
some out of dark,
Some shiny clouds smiling,
and after the Rain,
a friend once said,
Thimphu looks happier,
I think it does,
people look brighter,
dogs bark louder,
things look better,
Ah, rain come again tomorrow!

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