Waking Dreams

Endless cigarettes killed to death,
Your fingers and the golden ashtray,
A shot of brandy on another hand
rocking in your chair black and fair
A sip a gulp a ring a puff
Huff Huff

As the brandy slides down your throat
I can see it swim to your boat
your face a tinge of red
and lets hear stories well said

As you narrate I am all ears
while my ears hear
My eyes are lost
My mind near and far
A knot in my stomach
A flutter in my heart
let the earth stand still
as I walk on starry grounds with land above
hugging the moon and kissing the sun
I burn hot hot in the heat

While you drink I burn
While you think I sink
While you speak its music
while you smoke I breathe
I am high
on my Karma!

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