Endless Space.
Countless Stars.
Shapeless Sun.
Blue sky that is not blue.
Clouds that are not floating.
Dead hair and nails in a living being.
Mind that does not exist.
Soul that escapes when dead cannot be located when alive.
Logic is illogical.
There are no answers, just assumptions.
A journey without destination.
A stop one never knows.
Vagueness, Ambiguous,
Meaningfully meaningless,
Countless Stars.
Shapeless Sun.
Blue sky that is not blue.
Clouds that are not floating.
Dead hair and nails in a living being.
Mind that does not exist.
Soul that escapes when dead cannot be located when alive.
Logic is illogical.
There are no answers, just assumptions.
A journey without destination.
A stop one never knows.
Vagueness, Ambiguous,
Meaningfully meaningless,