Drip Drop Rain

In between trees I planted memories
the trees flowered
the memories faded
flowers blossomed
petals crumbled
rumble rumble
the thunder grumbled

In between trees I planted rain
drop by drop it collected
a puddle, a stream
an ocean, a dream
soaked deep in slumber land
the memories filled and flowed
till the ocean became a dream and the rain
a dreamy drumming dripping drop
running down the drain!

tip tip tip .....


She stood at the edge of the cliff,
A whiff of air blew her lush black hair,
She shone delightfully fair in the moonlit air,
The shore was noisy and so was her soul,
The waves jumped in confusion,
and lashed with even greater delusion,
bubbles and foams and froth and wrath,
all jumped,
all tumbled,
within the waves,
between her soul,
the air became foul,
and rot her soul,
confusion breeds clarity they say,
clarity is an illusion they say,
She breathes the foul air
and manages to walk back with her flowing hair,
in despair
in despair......

Saturday Blues

I can hear the left over music from the saxophone,
Friday's hue fades into twilight blue,
a crescent moon with a dotted star,
hardly at war,
and the Buddha sat behind the bar,
listening to blues from space afar

I can hear the fading sound of the harmonica,
Saturday is not in harmony,
it awoke to a gloomy morn,
and wanted to piss all day long,
and for miles, Miles Davis was all I had
to forgo my Saturday blues

Start a day with Saturday Blues
blew blew blow the blue
have you heard a harp so sharp
piercing piercing bloody blue
brew some whisky play some blues
tap your feet to Saturday blues.....

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