Poof! I shall blow you

When you die,
I shall smile at your pyre.
I shall laugh with the fire,
along with the sizzles,
hope it drizzles,
not letting you burn,
not so easy.

Hatred, jealousy, desire,
compassion,love, beauty, humility,
different words,
different swords,
One cuts deep and slashes,
the other opens the heart,
said the bards of the past.

So when you burn I shall feel nothing,
nothing at all.
I shall remember no past, nor concoct no future,
I shall simply let you turn to ashes and when the drama is over,
I shall blow away the dust off my hand and feel it,
is it ash or human flesh?
When will you die? do invite me for the funeral!


I was Miss world said...

I liked ur interests/blog,commented by www.blogger.com/profile/06782921321730807689

As Fate unfolds my Mysterious Future said...

You are a lot deeper than you look

Manju Wakhley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
white crow said...

nice one...


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