
Endless Space.
Countless Stars.
Shapeless Sun.
Blue sky that is not blue.
Clouds that are not floating.
Dead hair and nails in a living being.
Mind that does not exist.
Soul that escapes when dead cannot be located when alive.
Logic is illogical.
There are no answers, just assumptions.
A journey without destination.
A stop one never knows.
Vagueness, Ambiguous,
Meaningfully meaningless,


Simar said...

Get someone to illustrate in black and white

you must publish your poems and the better if you do it while you're in oxford

Manju Wakhley said...

Thanks for the comment. Will do that. As for publishing, I am not confident yet. I am going to take a year off to read and write in another one or two years and then I will probably get them published.
I still do not know much about poetry. Have been trying to incorporate mindfullness into poetry, you will see a new bunch soon.
I feel like am the most unpoetic poet with nothing much to say, I hope to improve with time.


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