The eye in the skY

I perched on the sky
saw the world getting by

Many melted into the earth
Many were thrown off the womb

So calm it looked the blue
So serene the clouds that floated, bloated and cried

I saw the birds flapping and the Gorrilas yawning
Orangs swinging and ants working
Humans dressing and snakes undressing
I saw the Polar bears walking and pigs snoring
I saw infinite sights
Unending music of sounds
I heaved a sigh!
Are there not enough reasons to rejoice?

I flapped my mind and descended back on earth.


iamDrukpa said...

i see it everyday too
if its not on Discovery, its on Animal Planet an if its not on Animal Planet, its on Geographic!

Manju Wakhley said...

I don't have a television,
No Discovery no Natgeo,
but the tv of my mind is free and forever on :)


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